Dissertation Blog 31/03/2013

This is more an update than actual progress as texturing is pushing further on .The different maps are still being produced.


Asset Count

Conference Room:          83 total Assets 16-17 Unique Assets

Main Office Room:          172 total Assets 25-27 Unique Assets

Corridor Area:                   65 total Assets 8-9 Unique Assets

Understanding the total count, there is 320 assets including the group assets. As time has gone on more and more has been added and tweaked and while I do intend everything to be included in the final result; time is pressing on. Around 50 assets are unique which spreads between 3 rooms but more over the 170 assets are merely duplicates. Only the 50 assets have undergone the retop and the necessary maps to produce the detail and quality.


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Enhancing my skills as a 3D Artist. But more profoundly in the environment discipline. With my side projects to keep me warmed up around other disciplines. Enjoy in reading upon my blog posts and past projects. Hope this will give you inspiration and problems I've dealt with along the way.

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